Saturday, August 31, 2019

Why was there a successful revolution in February 1917 in Russia?

By 1917, Russia in a state where demonstrations were becoming more frequent each week. Many of these demonstrations happened in Petrograd over food shortages and oppositions grew against the Tsar as this happened. The number of demonstrators rose to nearly of quarter of a million. The Russian people were constantly being let down by the Tsar and the depression grew. The war caused most of these food shortages, as any available food would be taken to soldiers instead of the rest of the population. The strains from the war caused an impact on all societies. The peasants suffered most of the hardships of the war and so became much more radical and revolutionary groups began. Many of the concessions made by Tsar to the middle class societies were still controlled by the Tsar like the Dumas and so the growth political opposition grew. These are some of the cause of why the February revolution was a success. The Tsar was not a very good ruler of the country. He listened to others for advice and rarely made his own decisions. The personality of the tsar was clearly an aspect that contributed to the deterioration of the Russian government. He was often a charming person but very weak. Nicholas believed in the firm system of autocracy. Nicholas exercised his power through the army, the secret police and the Russian Orthodox Church. The tsarist regime was resist to change and the repression of the tsarist system like the Okhrana (secret police) caused many people to think about the system. The effects of the war generally the main reason why there was a revolution in 1917. When Russia first joined the war in 1914, there was patriotism and loyalty to the tsar and for the war. People wanted a short and victorious war but they were still behind in technology and agriculture for of at least 50 years. But when Russia had lost their first battle, the morale of the army and also the population of the country were low. The low morale continued as the war progressed. Russia was continuing to have high casualties and kept losing supplies and food and the fact that they had no good quality weapons meant that they were not going to be successful in the war. The war caused a shortage of food; this was because any food available would go straight to the soldiers. The war speeded up the process of change- people had soon had enough of the tsar and of what they thought was a pointless war. There was also an economic collapse, which affected all societies after Russia pulled out of the war. The landowners of large estates were hit by a collapse in the value of land. Many industrialists realised that when they failed to secure government orders for war goods, they found themselves disappearing of the markets and many small businesses found themselves bankrupt. The food shortage led the prices of meat and flour rising by 300 per cent. The war also caused wages to fall and so strikes and protests occurred. The growth of political opposition grew. Many groups got organised. The liberals, the social revolutionists, the socialists, Bolsheviks and Mensheviks all had a problem with the Tsar and its regime. The political opposition started happening from 1905. This was because of the 1905 revolt called ‘bloody Sunday'. In 1905 the Tsar's government had introduced new economic policies which were aimed at strengthening the regime. But these changes were still to create tension in the future as they were still confined by the autocracy system. Even though the tsar had given the Bourgeoisie a Duma it was still controlled by the Tsar so there was still resentment and also there was no change in the government, even when the Tsar left. There was too much weakness in the economic system and there were too many pressures of the social and economic change like the industry. Before the war, the common strikes were for overworking conditions. In February, on the 23rd, there was an emergence of a ‘focus' for political opposition. They all had a main focus, or goal. Here on the 23rd, Petrograd was at stand still. The attempts to stop the demonstrators were hinder by the police and army and so the Tsars traditional allies were breaking up even the middle class were against the Tsar. In a way, When the Tsar entered Russia into the war this would be the turning point for the 1917 revolution. This is because the war would cause food shortages and low morale of the army and the Russian people and this would just be the starting of Russia problems. It would also cause hyperinflation and the revolts. But there many other factors to be included like the repression of the tsarist government and the weakness in the economic system. It would seem like that further on Tsarism will not exist anymore in Russia. It could be said that the ultimate defeat of Tsarism was Tsarism. This was because the Tsar's system was too harsh and unfair to peasants.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Describe the various stages of the typical lifecycle of an individual in the UK today and identify the most relevant financial products that should be considered at each stage Essay

Describe the various stages of the typical lifecycle of an individual in the UK today and identify the most relevant financial products that should be considered at each stage To date, the interpretation of the concept of â€Å"life cycle of the individual† has a lot of variations. In this case, the main of them wearing in one degree or another echo of the financial and economic issues, is: – The sequence of qualitatively different stages of development of the organism. – Model income and consumption over the life. With regard to the first definition, then there also exists a certain gradation, which is the existence of several theories regarding the quantitative and qualitative characteristics of the stages of the life cycle. The most famous theory of division of the life cycle of an individual on the steps of the theory are researchers such as Alpheus Hyatt, Sullivan, Thomas S. Dalton, Randy B. Evans, and also such theory as of E. Erikson and Joel Martin. The most expedient and convenient to the financial context of the question is the theory of the division of the life cycle of an individual to a number of stages by Alpheus Hyatt. This theory is the basis for the division of the life cycle of an individual to 3 stages: formation, productive phase and effective step. Phase formation covers the time period from the moment of birth of the individual up to 25 – 32 years. This period is due to the formation of life basis, so on the first stage of the life cycle is the formation of the moral aspects of the personality, the initial accumulation of experience and the formation of an information foundation that actually affects the formation of a set of financial products most commonly consumed by the population of the United Kingdom in the future. Productive stage is the second stage in the life cycle of an individual, including an individual residing in the United Kingdom. This stage lasts from the end of the formation phase of up to 54 – 62 years. This cycle is considered to be working during it productively apply the knowledge and experience gained and accumulated during the formation phase. These years were marked by a high capacity for work and the desire to implement ideas and achieve their goals. Finally, the third stage of the life cycle – score is final. It extends from the end of the productive phase until the end of life. It was during this cycle; individuals are satisfied with the achievements and receive a reward for all his works and deeds, not only morally, but also in material terms. As for the second definition of the life cycle of the individual, in this case it should be noted that in the context of the problem, the latter is more rational in terms of financial and economic sense, and as the former requires more detailed consideration, but at the same time, the latter is specifies the elements of a continuation and development stages of the first definition, namely, its financial and economic sense. In this regard, it is worth noting that in the present world context of the above issue, it is a rational assumption that, as a rule, children who actually represent the first stage in the life cycle, live at the expense of their parents, if we talk about the first part of the first phase life cycle, namely up to 18 years, speaking about the citizens of the United Kingdom. In addition, the first stage of the life cycle, as well as generally achieved the highest level of consumption, which is due to a period of the early years of adulthood, and forcing a number of items to purchase household goods and parenting. Such financial and economic characteristics of the first period of the life cycle, flows smoothly into the second, but in the first case applies the highest consumption level in the second half stage , what concerns the productive phase of the life cycle, in this case, the highest consumption level in the first half of the spread phase. This model leads to a model of savings, which are usually small in the early years of adulthood, high in the period after the children have grown and become negative during retirement. Thus, the youth begins with low incomes (1th stage of the life cycle), which is gradually increased until it reaches middle age (the 2nd stage of the life cycle), and then the characteristic of income is the sharp decline stage (third stage of life cycle), due to retirement. Usually, the third stage of the life cycle as well due to the receipt of earned income and more (to the end of life), but usually in smaller amounts. Consequently, the assets of households tend to grow until retirement and a reduction thereafter. â€Å"Start† and whether the â€Å"finish† if in fact the assets at zero depends on how society relates to the question of inheritance: the majority of people, particularly those who living in the UK leave positive assets at the time of his death, if only because they do not know when it will happen. Also worth noting, and take into account when considering the life cycle of a typical person in the UK today, the fact that the life-cycle model of savings assumes that the distribution of assets will be uneven between households, even if their incomes and social positions within the same life cycle. Along with all the above, it should be noted that all life cycle stages listed above are typical for any individual residing in the territory of more and less economically developed countries in general, and for individuals residing in the territory particularly the United Kingdom. Considering the financial products as part of normal everyday life of individuals living in the United Kingdom in each of these stages of the life cycle, it should be noted that financial products are integral part of daily life. With regard to the factors described through the use of financial products throughout the life cycle of the individual resided in the UK to date, it should be noted that the most common financial products today are shares, loans, particularly mortgages, deposits, options, futures, swaps, those insurance some aspect of life and objects, as well as commodity contracts and interest rates. All of the above financial products individuals residing in the United Kingdom is used throughout the life cycle. At the same time, depending on the stage of the life cycle of an individual uses certain financial products, inherent to its needs relevant to this stage. At the first stage of the life cycle, so from birth to 25 – 32 years, United Kingdom for individuals most relevant is the use of such financial products, such as long-term and Short-term loans, particularly mortgages, compulsory insurance, in particular, Medical insurance, pension insurance and liability insurance, in addition, quite common in the above-mentioned period of the life cycle of an individual is the UK property insurance. At the second stage of the life cycle, so from 25 – 32 years and 54 – 62 years of the United Kingdom most individual relevance use financial products such as stocks, options, futures and swaps , as well as commodity contracts and interest rates. At the same time, so it should be noted that at this stage of life do not lose relevance and financial products such as compulsory insurance and property insurance, as well urgent to use life and health insurance. Thus, considering all of the above it should be noted that the second phase of the life cycle of an individual residing in the UK, today used the widest range of financial products than during other stages. The reason for this state of affairs is the fact that it was during the second stage of the life cycle, as a rule, most individuals who living in the UK reach a peak of career, have a family, get a certain amount of real estate and other property, as well as characterized by the highest level of wages for all life cycle. In the third stage of the life cycle, the most relevant financial products used by individuals of the United Kingdom are the deposits, most types of insurance, especially with regard to life insurance, as well as the most reliable stocks and other securities. As seen from the above, in the third stage of the life cycle most individuals are trying to best protect their use of financial products, reducing the risks to minimum that is logical, given that the reporting stage of the life cycle lasts from 54 – 62 years until his death. Analyzing the life cycle of an individual United Kingdom, as well it should be noted that the only financial product that is gaining relevance for UK citizens at the stage of formation, and does not lose so for productive and efficient life-cycle stages is insurance. In this case, depending on the stage of the life cycle are added only certain types of insurance and insurance objects. This situation is related not only to the existence of the United Kingdom of compulsory insurance, which in itself suggests the beginning of the use of insurance to meet individual age and continues until death, but also the factor that the whole life cycle of the individual accompanies a number of risks of varying complexity and specifically, these risks relate to most other financial products used by individuals throughout life. Of course, the actual separation of the above financial products for individuals residing in the United Kingdom is far from ambiguous, since it depends not only on the age group that falls under one or another individual, but also on other factors, for example such as the scope of activities, family status, presence of children, average salary, and others. For example, the likelihood that students will benefit from the mortgage insurance or property is extremely small, but if the stage of formation (in the second half of the stage) the individual is enrolled in higher educational institution (for example in postgraduate) has a wife and / or children, the probability of acquiring such individual mortgage and other long-term loans, as well as property insurance, increases dramatically. Along with this, there is an example of a large homeowner or just an entrepreneur and working diner, which are on the second stage of the life cycle. Range of financial products an individual representing the first and second class will be significantly different. For the first and most urgent is to use various tools to expand their existing business, by finding additional sources of joining the capital, one of which is the acquisition of commodity contracts, options, futures and swaps, as all of these financial products can not only increase the capital of the individual, but and to do this in the shortest possible period of time in comparison with other financial products. For an ordinary worker, all financial products relevant to a wealthy individual would not be as relevant for a given individual will acquire greater relevance compulsory insurance and the use of shares and promissory notes. However, at this graduation, presented earlier are the most widespread and the most relevant classification of financial products such individuals regarding the use of the United Kingdom. Reference List 1. Alpheus, H. (1902) Cycle in the life of the individual (Ontogeny) and in the evolution of its own group (Phylogeny).

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Contemporary employment perspectives Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Contemporary employment perspectives - Essay Example Today, social work comprises a variety of functions, skills, and obligations. The nature of social work is essentially about dealing with the most serious social problems and reducing the scope of social exclusion, to promote positive change and enhance individual and social well-being. Childcare social worker: Job specification That social work is an indispensable component of social reality and progress cannot be denied. Burducea (2010) is correct in the origins of social work are modern. However, most, if not all, world civilizations were engaged in various social work activities, from sponsorship and personal financial assistance to philanthropy and the development of the sophisticated insurance systems. Although the role and importance of social work in the globalized work is well-documented, little is known about its functions. Childcare social workers are professionals with a Master’s degree in social work, dealing with problematic individuals and population groups, inc luding homeless youths. The goal of a childcare social worker’s job is to work in community, with individuals and families, who need professional assistance and face considerable emotional and social problems. Childcare social workers fulfill broad range of obligations and perspectives, including participation in multidisciplinary teams (Healy 2008). Childcare social workers deal with service users, assess their situation, and provide social and counseling support to those in need (Lyons & Carlsen 2006; Payne 2005). Homeless and runaway youths are rightly considered as one of the most socially vulnerable groups. The key tasks of a childcare social worker include analyzing and addressing new requests for social and emotional assistance to children, visiting their young clients at home, representing children in courts, and taking all actions that are appropriate for promoting children’s well-being. Childcare social workers are expected to contribute to the development of their service and work in multidisciplinary teams of social work volunteers. They must be prepared to work extra hours and pursue high degree of flexibility in job performance. Therefore, the job of a childcare social worker is essentially about detecting and finding runaway youths, assessing their situation and providing counseling support, to promote social inclusion, enhance their wellbeing, and guarantee that young people can meet their social needs. Childcare social work: theoretical underpinnings Social work is usually defined from the two different perspectives: that of science and that of an institutional arrangement with a solid normative and practical architecture (Burducea 2010). The key elements of social work as an institutional structure include benefits and beneficiaries, social work and normative systems (Burducea 2010). As a science, social work exemplifies a complex network of theoretical and methodological approaches to social problems (Burducea 2010). Social wor k as a profession uses multidisciplinary systems to assess the impact of the existing and emerging social problems on people and reduce their complexity (Burducea 2010). The social work paradigm is unique in the sense that it deals with the existing social problems â€Å"without violating the principles of social justice and human rights† (Burducea 2010). It would be fair to say that social workers serve a reliable buffer between

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Article review Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 2

Article review - Essay Example Examples of new media include but are not limited to the Internet, computer multimedia, and CD-ROMS. Television programs, books, and movies are not included in the new media until they allow digital interactivity. New media in general and the Internet in particular is the most important and frequently used source of information in the contemporary age because of many reasons; Availability of information is 24/7, there is a wide variety of sources of information including journal articles, blogs, and threads, Internet is one of the cheapest sources of information, and the content can be retrieved, used, and sent to the desired destination all at the same time. New media is frequently accused of many negative effects in our life in terms of obesity, wastage of time, and much more, which is not right. Saying that new media has had only negative effects on people is not only a very broad generalization of its effects, but also very reckless approach towards the analysis of its effects. C ritics accuse new media of spreading obesity among the teenagers and young adults whereas the real responsibility to keep themselves smart rests with the very teenagers and young adults. They need to manage their time better so that they do find time for some physical workout. Accusing new media of causing people to waste time is also wrong. Critics say that people spend hours and hours on social media websites, which breaks their connection with the physical world. This is so untrue! In fact, to much an extent, the activities people used to do in the physical world are now performed in the virtual world which actually saves their time. Before, people needed time to hang out with friends to socialize with them. Nowadays, all they need is a computer with an Internet connection to chat with their friends on daily basis. All the extra time wasted otherwise in going out is saved and may be put to positive use. New media is accused of causing social exclusion in people as they donâ€℠¢t find time to socialize with others. The reality is exactly the opposite of this. New media has actually served as a platform to promote social networking and relations. People make new friends and can chat with them 24/7 irrespective of the geographic distances. In his article, Andrew Keen says that Google is not our friend and the rationale he puts forth to support his opinion is that it is protruding too much into our life. Most of the literature that criticizes Internet for creating negative effects in our life plays with words. For example, Andrew Keen says in his article, â€Å"Having successfully become our personal librarian, Google now wants to be our personal oracle. It wants to learn all about us, know us better than we know ourselves, to transform itself from a search engine into a psychoanalyst's couch or a priest's confessional† (Keen, 2007). In thus sentence, Andrew Keen has projected Google as a noun, like it is a person who is manipulating our life. Google is just a search engine that cannot possibly want or learn like living beings do. If there are articles on Google that dictate us what to do throughout the day, it is our choice to read them or not, or even use the information in our everyday life after reading it. Michael Gerson says. â€Å"in the online world of Second Life, many people prefer to take the shape of

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Jus 102 3 short paper see below Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Jus 102 3 short paper see below - Essay Example This type of leadership has been proven to make a positive impact to the subordinates by making them exert more effort in their work areas and to comply with rules and regulations. In Transaction leadership style, police leaders who practice this model are said to rely more on rewards and punishments and they tend to act only in situations where there are deviations from expected behaviour and service delivery of their subordinates. This model has lesser positive impact on the subordinates than transformational style but individuals who are less self-motivated express a liking of this model (Avolio, Sosik, Jung, & Berson, 2003). Mixed style leadership is where a police leader combines both the transactional and transformational leadership. According to research done on this models of leadership, it is said that those who practice mixed style leadership are more effective leaders than those who just practice the transformational type. In addition to this there is active leadership and role modelling where leaders are said to be active, they set a good example and employ role modelling tactics including on acceptable cultures of the police force and integrity, unlike the transformational leaders who rely heavily on mentoring and inspiration motivation. They influence subordinates behaviour than the transformational leaders. In situational leadership, leaders modify their behaviours to suit the context. This include the years of experience of their subordinates and their ranks. In addition, Participative leadership involves encouragement of subordinates to involve themselves in decision making so as to be committed and satisfied with their different jobs. Lastly there is the inactive leadership model where police leaders fail to lead effectively. This model has negative impacts on the subordinate’s willingness to work. The

Monday, August 26, 2019

Employee Resourcing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Employee Resourcing - Essay Example 367). Recruitment and selection procedures are influenced by ever-increasing internationalization of business and link it to the rising importance of human resources management within every corporation. The main recruitment trend in UK is an increasing demand for MBA students or graduates. "The report says that two out of five of new hires in 2005 had an MBA, suggesting that the qualification is valued by employers" (Anderson 2007). From the outset it is recognized that the needs of organizations in young people are different from those of the adult worker. Hiring MBA students, organizations place less emphasis on individual, relatively permanent jobs and more on collaborative groups, or teams. Choosing people to form teams or to join existing teams pose special problems, and different kinds of teams pose different problems. A decision-making management team may be formed for a specific project, its members chosen for specific areas of expertise; it may be disbanded at the project's conclusion, its members reassigned to new teams with other projects where their expertise will be useful; members are chosen for specialized knowledge or skill. Almost all labor markets demand MBA stude nts, such as "real estate, marketing, investment banking and consultancy are all big contenders, with approximately 20 per cent of the class of 2006 opting for real estate, while marketing and investment banking secured about 19 per cent respectively" (Anderson 2007). The recruitment and selection of administrative staff and new managers (MBA) have been very crucial for senior managers who wanted only to have those who were ready to follow in their footsteps and to cover up their corrupt practices. Recruiting consists of advertisements and calls to prospective recruits in local schools, churches, or other promising sources of applicants. The new examination, even if an earlier one had been used, is developed during the recruiting period to reduce the chance that a security lapse gives some candidates prior knowledge of it; in any case, even a new exam must be carefully protected to assure even-handedness (Blackman 2006). In a truly large jurisdiction, the logistics of testing requir e extremely careful planning, both for test security and for the sheer mechanics of administration (Black, 1999). Another important trend in UK labor market is increasing important and role of online recruiting process. In general, "the recruitment process contains a number of steps, including corporate planning, human resource planning, job description and evaluation, and job advertisements" (Blackman 2006, p. 367). The Internet becomes one of the most popular tools for both employers and job seekers. "In 2006, 39% of businesses in the North West were actively recruiting new staff with 54% of job vacancies advertised with Jobcentre Plus and almost one in 10 turning to the Internet to recruit new staff" (Latest recruitment trends 2007). Today, only a limited number of enterprises use the familiar procedures of recruitment and selection such as advertising jobs in newspapers. Thus, online application is based on traditional procedures such as reviewing applications, holding interviews and testing candidates. The development of the Internet, and the world wide web system operating through the Inte rnet, have resulted in the rapid growth of e-business and changes in all

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Case in technical and ethical issue of financial accounting Study

In technical and ethical issue of financial accounting - Case Study Example A reflection of imperfect information on the financial records can affect the concurrent transactions and cost. Accountants are guided by a set code of ethics in their roles. Ethical behavior among accountants is vital to prevent fraudulent activities and gain public trust in the management of any business venture (CIMA, 2010). Professionals serving in the accounting department have a great responsibility to the public in general. Public trust emanates mostly on the information given to them by accountants. Based on the case of JINX Magazine Corporation, the operating manager persuades the accountant to fulfil his request by giving a contradicting financial statement. The conduct is against the norms and ethics that should be upheld by accounting professionals. Accountants have an ethical obligation not to present erroneous and conflicting statements intentionally. There is no justification in supported of professional accountants’ conduct that defies the rules of accounting. They should not do that irrespective of any compulsion from the authority or other parties. Furthermore, accoun tants should observe ethical conduct by maintaining records that are not falsified. Chartered Institute of Management Accountants (CIMA). (2010). Code of ethics. Retrieved April 3, 2015 from

Cultural Issues in Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Cultural Issues in Management - Essay Example (Ghauri, P., & Fang, T. 2001). There are many management issues that are affecting both the Japanese employees and the American employees due to the differences in cultural practices. These differences should be integrated so that the company’s activities can be done effectively and efficiently. A chief issue affecting the company is differences in context cultures of both Americans and Japanese. Japanese employees are high context cultures while Americans’ have low context cultures. Japans people value personal relation and good will while Americans value expertise and performance. Japanese make agreements on the basis of general trust while Americans make agreements based on specified legal contract. In cross cultural communication between the Americans and the Japanese, there will be conflict of understanding and extremely long time is required to have consensus in any aspect. This has always forced the company to make late decisions. To solve the problem arising fro m context culture, the company should come up with guidelines for how things are done so that there are no conflicts of interests due to cultural differences. Secondly, there are vast difference in the attitudes of sale force between the Japanese and the Americans. Japanese have particularism and high universalism as illustrated by Trompenaars cultural perspectives. Americans have the attitude of take or leave in sales while the Japanese have room for modification and customization to accommodate the opinions of the customers. The company should adopt the Japanese attitude of sales and train the Americans on some of the techniques since it gives more customers satisfaction and less harassment. The company should also come up with sales commissions to encourage more sales. This will encourage the Americans to adopt the Japanese attitude of sales that they can achieve higher sales. (Ghauri, P., & Fang, T. 2001). The management of Chiba international has challenges because it comprises of both Americans and Japanese. American managers are individualistic in nature while the Japanese are collective. Americans are concerned with their issues and their reporting authority while the Japanese are concerned with the overall objectives of the company. The individualistic nature of the Americans has led to power conflicts amongst themselves, and this has derailed many activities in trying to solve the problem. In the recruitment process, the Japanese are concerned with performance, ability, and the attitude of a person measured in an interview. The Americans lay most of the emphasis on the person who has high education credentials. This has lead to poor communication between the two workforces. Chiba communication should come up with clear separation of duties so that there is no conflict in any decision making process. In the recruitment process, the company can use external employment bureaus and set the standards for qualification. (Kedia., & Mukherji, 1999). In the m anagement of financial activities, there is a wide variation between the Japanese and the Americans. The management of the Japanese follows all the financial activities throughout the company. All the expenses and revenues are accounted for when they are incurred or earned. Chiba international follows the theory of noodle peddler which considers expenditure of all resources for any objective achieved

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Social Entreprenuerism Writtien Assignments 2-5 Coursework

Social Entreprenuerism Writtien Assignments 2-5 - Coursework Example Production should be at a reasonable cost without compromising the quality of products or services. In addition, after the production, the products or services should be made accessible to the prospect market at the required time (Jay & Gillian 2012). This would enable the business to remain competitively advantaged within the industry. As the company maximizes on achievement of results, it should also focus on remaining socially irrelevant. The company should be able to identify its weaknesses in ensuring that it meets its set objectives. For example, the costs of production should not outweigh the revenue flow (Jay & Gillian 2012). The products of the company should also remain relevant to the market to ensure that the business remains on top of its competitors. Each market or field of operation in a business has external opportunities. It is the responsibility of the management to ensure that the business has a mechanism of exploiting such opportunities. However, the business should only adopt such responsibilities if they embrace the social value equation of the business (Jay & Gillian 2012). It is not prudent to pursue opportunities that present potential threats to the business, either internally or in the external environment (Jay & Gillian 2012). The threats that arise in a business present the organization with an opportunity to develop counter measures that will enable the business to be relevant and retain its competitive advantage. A Cooperative strategy refers to a strategy where different firms work together to achieve a common objective. It is an attempt by companies to realize their goals and objectives by cooperating with other organizations instead of competing with them. Cooperative strategies are significant for firms competing in the global economy. However, discussions show that they are prone to failures due to their complexities

Friday, August 23, 2019

Negotiating a Disciplinary Procedure Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Negotiating a Disciplinary Procedure - Essay Example According to the paper, alleged inadequacies of performance, which include proficiency and competence as set out in the Unfair Dismissal Act 1977 and conduct are grounds for punitive action, meaning that the disciplinary procedure may be initiated and that a sanction may follow if the case against the employee is found to have substance. It should be noted that minor instances are normally dealt with informally for a â€Å"ticking-off â€Å"incident for an isolated incident of lateness for example and this is because they will not require numerous procedures in coming to a decision. There is an obligation under section 14 of the Unfair Dismissal Act 1977 that within 13 weeks of starting employment in any organization, the employees must be given the procedure and rules used for disciplining or dismissing them from the workplace. Such procedures may be contained within a collective agreement, which is normally after a negotiation between the employer and employee or be established b y custom and practice. Other than this, there is no formal guidance on what the procedure should contain: the Act is silent, and currently there is no code of practice on the subject, although there is an area where the Labor Relations Commissions may take action. The guidance that is not provided for comes from decisions of the Employment Appeals Tribunal, which stipulates the rules of engagement. Conveying a clear punitive policy is important to define workplace expectations and the methods the employer will use in correcting behavior that is not in line with the organizational standards. This ensures that all employees are aware and adhere to the code of conduct in the organization failure to which they face sanctions or the disciplinary actions that the misconduct accrues.

Thursday, August 22, 2019

How and why did USA become involved in the Vietnam War Essay Example for Free

How and why did USA become involved in the Vietnam War Essay In march 12, 1947 with the truman doctrine and the newly introduced policy of containment usa decided to award itself with status of policeman of the world giving themselves a permission to intervene anywhere in the world when they consider it is neccessary. This was the policy that allowed them to interpose in vietnam. Vietnamese people under the leadership of ho chi mihn, founder of viet minh defeated french at diem bien phu who had controll over whole indochina (thailand, vietnam, combodia, laos). Although usa was sending aid to french they didnt help much because president eisenhower has just been elected to end the korean war therefore he didnt want to involve usa in another conflict. However after french defeat and the devision of vietnam into north which was communist and south usa started to realize the danger of communism spreading into asia and saw vietnam as a puppet in hands of ussr and china. in convinction that responsibility for the domino effect will be theirs if they wont do anything. n 1954 usa prevented the re-uniting free elections from taking place, foreboding uniting vietnam under communist goverment. this time they showed their resilient attitude, considering their disapproval with ussr, not holding free elections in their sattelites. nevertheless there were no elections and usa picked up anti-communist diem to become a president of south vietnam. This decision led to many protest especially from buddhist monks since diem was ignorat to their religion and culture, he himself being christian. uring his reign he forbade any elections and set members of his family into important positions. his corruption and way of controling south vietnam was the reason for more and more people joining the national front for the liberation of south vietnam, the viet cong. although usa didnt agree with his governance after his murder they continued to support his equally corrupt successor. Meantime, in usa after kennedys assasination new president was elected with completely different attitude. b johnson seemed more considered about vietnam and sent more and more military personel, the so called advisors to vietnam. During his leadership he achieved the tonkin gulf resolution under suspicious coincidences of the tonkin gulf incident, giving him ultimate power to launch immediate attack or start war without the need of consulting the idea with senate or advisors. lbj was the most involved president in vietnam war and he started the open war with vietnam. When advisors were not enough and the infiltration of north vietnamese in south vietnam became with increasing number of attacs intorelable problem, in march 1965 lbj decided to launch the operation rolling thunder, bombing of the North Vietnam and Ho Chi Minhs trail which was the major mean of supplying south vietnam by Viet Cong. within a short time usa realized that this tactics is not appropriate but they were in convinction that easing would signal their weakness. n addition this operation lasted for eight years where high explosives, herbicides to destroy the jungle and defoliant agent orange were used and more bombs were dropped on vietnam than on germany by all the allies during the second world war. despite the growing objections johnson launched full-scale war with the first conventional warfare in ia drang valley which both sides considered as victory. Although americans inflicted greater losses than they have suffered (a:300 v:2000), vietnamese held their positions. This way the war continued for number of years marked with unsuccessful negotiations with main problem of diplomacy frequently undermined by military activity at a critical moment. In 1967 in south Vietnam were held the free elections but without any communist party. Thieu was elected with a low vote but finally usa could say they are defending democratically elected goverment. in following years after the failure of previous operations, operations search and destroy was introduced which main aims were defending us bases, launching search and destroy missions. Another operation, an attempt to win the hearts and minds of the peasant was also complete failure, highlighting the main American problem misapprehension of the culture of Vietnamese people. The Vietnam war being the first televised war hugely influenced it and seeing the happenings in vietnam many student protests took place in usa, especially after the Mai Lay massacre which shocked people being the evidence that something in this war has gone wrong. n 1967 increase of bombing by more than 50%, generals still requsting more men and viet cong still holding their positions even advancing (the tet offesnive 1968) and more than 3 000 000 casualities made johnson slowly realize that this war he will not win. In 1968 johnson after many absurd years of fighting informed public that usa will halt bombing, awaiting peace talks. the president has given up ending this terrible mistake and resignated, Vietnam finally became free, united and communist.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Why Do We Need Criminal Law?

Why Do We Need Criminal Law? Why we need Criminal Law. Even though some believe that laws sometimes oppress the people, a society with laws would not be a society but more like a jungle because laws serve to regulate human interaction and laws enforce moral belief. The purposes of criminal law in its simplest form are to protect and serve society. Criminal law has basic functions that help protect society. Criminal law purpose in society function is to protect the basic moral of the people. In the early days in America, history during the so-called Wild West morality was a low point. Criminal without a regard for the law dominated the social norm during the cowboy era. Many townships did not have law enforcement and thus lawlessness had no buffer for crime. If control had not been restored the country in all probability would not exist today. The laws exist to create a line that must not be cross or else one will suffer the consequence of violating the law. According to Frank Schmalleger, the author of Criminal justice today, the fundamental to the concept of criminal law is the assumption that criminal act injure not just individuals, but society as a whole. (Schmalleger, 2011, p.117) Gleaning from his statement it is clear that when a crime is committed it does not only affect the victim but the community. When saying community this is to include family, friends, and possibly neighbors. Therefore, any time a law is broken it can affect many people. Moreover as a society, we need to have buffers to keep order or else disastrous society would be the norm. Since the law act as a buffer for lawlessness it is fair to say that it also set boundaries for law-abiding citizens. In order for criminal law to work these boundaries has to often deterrence. Deterrence is a goal of criminal sentencing that seeks to inhibit criminal behavior through the fear of punishment. (Schmalleger, 2011, p. 374) In order to persuade people violating the law, they need to know that there will be consequences for their actions. The purpose of deterrence is not merely to punish one for a crime it also exist t to persuade other from committing the same crime. Often time when one is drive on the interstate or freeways one will see law enforcement sitting on the side of the road. The present of the officer is a simply deterrence to driver speeding. General deterrence main goal is to reduce the probability of one committing a crime. (Schmalleger, 2011, p.374) When looking at general deterrence, it goal is stop deviance in the general population. Criminal law tries to use general deterrence that will stop future occurrence. When one in a store to shoplift they might see, a sign that state camera are monitoring the store. Furthermore, a store might have a security guard present to deter one stealing. The police might patrol an area near clubs where fight often occurs. However, there is specific deterrence that seeks to avoid repeat offenses. (Schmalleger, 2011, p.374) In specific deterrence, the goal is to prevent recidivism by convicted offenders. In this theory, it attempts to eliminate the offender repeat the crime by corporal punishment, three strike rule, and shock sentencing. When deterrence does not work the justice system only alternative is punishment. Punishment is much like deterrence in that it is seen as a crime preventive measure. Some see punishment as a nature and deserved consequence of criminal activity. (Schmalleger, 2011, p.374) If criminal law is to function correctly criminal have to know that if they commit a crime, especially after the system has place deterrence as a buffer to prevent one form committing a crime they will be punished. Punishment for offense such as child molestation is one of the toughest punishments for offenders. Next to the death penalty child molester are given the strict punishment. The offender are often limited to where they can live, seek employment and whom they can interact with in society. One might say that the punishment they receive is just but this punishment often led to recidivism. Therefore, the strictness of this punishment tends to defend the purpose. Society will say that the punishment is a success however, it is not rehabilitating. Punishment does have it place in society and does work but one must ask is punishment just or is just retribution with makeup. Retribution is seen as the act of taking revenge on criminal perpetrator. (Schmalleger, 2011, p.373) Retribution seems like the punishment that child molesters receive. The just deserts model is seen as the criminal getting what they deserve. (Schmalleger, 2011, p.374) However, this does not solve the problem it perpetual the problem in criminal law. The Court claims to justify the death penalty in retributive terms in part because execution vindicates the communitys interest in denouncing the conduct of the offender with the ultimate penalty. Nevertheless, the Courts analysis is problematic. First, if satisfying the communitys desire for punishment counts as a retributive goal, the Court uncritically understands the death penalty as the ultimate penalty. (Markel, 2009) In conclusion, society knows the purposes of criminal law in its simplest form are to protect and serve society. Criminal law can perform it basic functions, which is to help protect society. However, criminal law will never achieve it s objective if the criminal is not rehabilitated. Rehabilitation should be a main objective next protecting and serving. If society did not have criminal law, the society would not be to survive.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Investigating The Economic Impact Of The Olympic Games Tourism Essay

Investigating The Economic Impact Of The Olympic Games Tourism Essay Every year millions of people around the world travel either for business, vacation or a combination of both. Tourism is the biggest industry in the world and is continually growing (lecture 1). By the end of the 20th Century total global tourism (international and domestic) has been estimated to be worth at around U.S $3.5 trillion. Tourism has been widely accepted as growth industry and is expected to grow at an average rate of 4% per annum (sharpley and telfer). Both developed and developing nations all around the globe try to take advantage of this fact and in order to achieve greater economic growth and in the case of developing nations to achieve a higher standard of living as well. This makes the tourism industry a very competitive one, with nations trying to attract as many tourists as possible and reap the benefits. One way for countries to capture these benefits associated with tourism is to host different events. Getz (2007) identified and categorized them into different scales of events. These range from local and regional events like the Nottingham Music Festival and the European Youth Olympic Festival respectively to periodic hallmark events like the Formula One Grand Prix. The biggest category however is that of the Mega Events which include the Olympic Games and the World Cup. These events are of high tourist demand and have a high value for the host city in terms of economic, environmental, social, cultural and political impacts. It is important for the government of the hosting country as well as the hosting city to use policies to get as much positive effects as possible from these impacts whilst decreasing the negative ones. Roche (1994) defined mega events as short term events with long term consequences for the cities that stage them. He claims that if a host city is successful in programming the events correctly, a new or renewed image will be projected which would bring long lasting economic benefits in terms of tourism, investment and business. Moreover, he claims that with this new or renewed image the host city is able to become a center of capital and labor, production and exchange in the national and global economy (Roche, 1994). Therefore, it can be argued that the economic aspect of the Olympic Games is the most significant one and the economic legacies left behind by such events can change and reshape entire cities. In order to gain a better understanding of the economic impacts of mega events, and more specifically of the Olympic Games, these impacts must be separated in accordance to whether they happen before, during or after the event (Li S. Blake). An analysis will follow that will explain these different stages in terms of the Olympics and the relevant economic impacts as well as the policies the government can adopt to gain the maximum positive outcomes of the event. The pre-game period is a time of planning and deadlines, investments both private and public and construction. Moreover, once the city wins the bidding process the news of this fact are echoed all around the world. This may tempt tourists to visit the country prior to the event. The period during the Games has certain economic impacts that come from the tourists and the revenues the event brings and it is a way to show the world the change that the city underwent through the media exposure that surrounds the Games. The most important period is after the Games however, since it is when the results will start to take effect. This is the aim of the host cities, to capture the long term economic effects or the economic legacy the games create. The economic legacy involves the extra tourists that will want to visit the host city; businesses may be attracted to relocate there; the establishment of the city as a business hub and generally the increased economic growth to the host city as we ll as the whole economy of the country. First of all, one of the characteristics of the Olympic Games is the amount of money it attracts that is subsequently invested in them during the pre-game period. These funds come from the public and private sector and are spent on the construction of sport venues, tourism facilities and infrastructure (Sakai, 2006). These funds are different from the organizational costs the Olympic Organizing Committee has. The organizational costs relate to items not usable after the Games whereas the investments mentioned above will continue to serve the city in the future. The Barcelona Olympics of 1992 had total organizational costs of 1.364 billion U.S Dollars ($) and investments amounting to $8.012 billion (Poynter, 2006). By looking at this from an economics point of view, investments are part of the circular flow of income, it is an injection, and as such bring economic growth and job creation and has long term effects (Sloman, ). Barcelona for example, focused 61.5% of these investments for construction work which includes transport infrastructure, housing, offices and business premises, telecommunication and services, hotels, sports facilities and environmental infrastructure. This is a clear indicator of Barcelonaà ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¾Ã‚ ¢s restructuring effort (Brunet, 2005). Furthermore, the construction effort that is being funded will bring increased employment in the city, decreasing unemployment and as a result increase the standard of living of its local citizens. In Barcelona, unemployment rates fell from 18.4% in 1986 to 9.6% in 1992 (Brunet, 2005). If the standard of living is raised, there will be great social effects (a decrease in crime due to the rise of employment, people would want to live in better conditions and will be able to afford them as well as many more). These in turn can bring greater economic impacts because tourists visiting the city will be able to see the change and difference and the probability of experiencing an enjoyable stay will increase substantially. This might affect them to consider visiting the city again, during the games or after, and they may spread their experiences through word of mouth, indirectly advertising the city. These benefits however all depend on how the government decides to invest the money. Barcelona invested heavily in infrastructure $8.012 billion and the benefits can still be seen today, whereas Sydney only spent $3.03 billion (Poynter, 2006). In addition to this, it is important to include the opportunity costs associated with the building of Olympic Venues. According to Owen (2005), these investments must not be considered as benefits for the economy but rather as costs. This is because opportunity costs are very high since the money spent on Olympic venues could have been spent on other public needs like health and education which also leads to long term economic growth (Li, Blake). Taking the example of Barcelona again, the spending associated with Olympic venue construction (9.1%) is insignificant compared with the 61.5% allocated for other infrastructure. As stated above, investment in infrastructure is an injection which brings long term economic benefits and Barcelona investe d heavily in that area. This may be one of the reasons why Barcelona has had steady economic growth the twelve years after the games.

Monday, August 19, 2019

Goodfellas Essay example -- essays research papers

Goodfellas" is a dramatization of life in the New York Mafia. It is based on the accounts of real life ex-gangster turned state evidence. He tells his story from when he was hired by a wiseguy as a teenager in the fifties, to the time he is put in the witness protection program in the seventies.The movie portrays the spirit of the Mafia and demonstrates their distinctive values, customs,gangster like lifestyle. The Mafia is groups of criminals that developed for the purpose of protecting those who can not go to the police for protection. Its roots can be traced back to Sicily, where the Mafia was based on the premise that any member suffering an injustice was to take personal vengeance while avoiding all contact with legal authorities. Even in the modern day American Mafia, each family ruled it's own territory and when others from outside the territory interfered they were dealt with through violent methods.The wiseguys paid for their protection by paying the head of their local family. This payoff was also known as paying tribute to the boss. Many of the Mafia's morals and policies were identified throughout the movie. Some of the informal rules held by the Mafia were the codes of trust and silence. In other words, never rat on a friend and keep your mouth shut. These rules were highlighted when the narrator, Henry Hill, had his first arrest. He was brought to court, defended by a Mafia paid lawyer and after ...

Sunday, August 18, 2019

The Complex Moral Issue of Stem Cell Research Essays -- Biology Biolog

The Complex Moral Issue of Stem Cell Research Works Cited Missing For Sale: One small miracle in a bassinet. Will cure AIDS, cancer, acne, possibly bad breath and athletes foot. Limited supply only, so call and reserve your miracle cure now, a.k.a. Human Fetus. Only a couple of years ago the ad above would have seemed like something from a science fiction novel. However, now the pages of that novel are coming to life. In 1998, James Thompson, a biology student from the University of Wisconsin, isolated the first embryonic stem cell. Contrary to the sound of its name, a stem cell is actually a human fetus that has been aborted and allowed to "develop for up to twelve days or until he is about 100 cells big" (Sullenger). Scientists are now conducting research on these stem cell lines. A stem cell line comes directly from a single embryo. After that line is fully developed "it can reproduce indefinitely, allowing hundreds of researchers to work with cells from a single line" (Meckler). As of right now, there are only 64 stem cell lines existing i n the United States. Out of those 64, only 24 or 25 are fully developed and ready for research. The research done on these cells is meant to find cures for diseases such as Leukemia, AIDS and other forms of cancer. There are many controversies concerning this area of research. The main one is whether or not the research done on human fetuses is a violation of a human being’s life. The ones who say that it is not a violation believe that life doesn’t start until the day of birth. On the other hand, those who do believe it is a violation say that the life of a human begins the minute they are conceived. In order to obtain the stem cells, researchers must get the cells from an abor... ...cures for all sorts of ills, from diabetes and heart disease to Alzheimer’s -all without taking a single additional embryo" (Lemonick). On the other hand, there was still the issue of whether it’s morally right to kill a human in experiamentation. To many, it seems like a waste for scientists to create stem cells only to do experiments on them, and then get rid of them when they are done, "in effect, these humanistic apologists have created an entire group of throw-away people, whose lives only have meaning in how they can serve the rest of humanity" (Sullenger). This is one issue that won’t be easily resolved, and it may never come down to being able to order a miracle cure over the tv. We live in an age of scientific discovery, and with that, anything is possible. There might even be a way for people to agree on the moral issues of the subject in the future.

Exploring The Discourse Of International Affairs :: College Admissions Essays

Exploring The Discourse Of International Affairs When I first enrolled in State University, I began to search the course catalog for undergraduate programs. I was a transfer student from a Law school; therefore, I knew from past experiences that I was interested in Politics. State University offers Political Science and International Affairs. The word â€Å"international† got my attention due to the fact that I have always been interested in traveling and learning languages. I already spoke Spanish, English, and some French. Yet, I really did not know anythingabout my elected major; therefore, I knew that I needed to do more research. Every academic discourse is like a different nation. The professionals, students, and faculty members are its citizens, and they all share a different language. This big differentiation was one of the first things that I explored about my elected major. One of the learning objectives in Kennesaw State University’s program is to prepare students to communicate effectively in order to approach global affairs. Inside this discourse, people talk about global economic, political affairs, etc. As a result, to be able to approach any subject the speaker most know the appropriate terms that refer to different organizations or political situations. Some common examples that I found as I searched the internet were abbreviations like EU (European Union), NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization), IGO (Intergovernmental Organization), etc. In order to fully understand international affairs professionals and students must be familiar with the terms used. As I became more familiar with the type of communication in this particular field, I began to find similarities between students, professionals, and faculty. This discourse involves a lot of exploration and critical analysis on past and current events. It is a field that will never be truly defined due to the fact that the world is constantly evolving. While students are focused more on past and current events, professionals are creating the fields of study for the future. There are different types of professions, students prepare themselves to choose from a large variety of globally oriented careers in business, diplomacy, governmental services, law, and non-profit sectors. Those interested in business could do field works for companies with corporate offices in different countries. If politics is your scope of interest, you could work in counsels or embassies representing your country in other countries; or represent your country in intergovernmental organizations such as the United Nations, or a specific cause in nongovernmental organizations such as Amnesty International.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Ridoran Manufactoring

Riordan Manufacturing Compensation Plan Team B- Diana Barris, Nicole Bell, Jacqueline Chaney, Shawnda Davis, Hadeel Raouf, Kelly Tyler HRM/324 Annette Clark-Davis February 11, 2013 Riordan Manufacturing Compensation Plan Riordan Manufacturing is a worldwide plastics manufacturer that is headquartered in San Jose, California. Their organization has over 500 employees and prides themselves on providing their customers with high quality merchandise to satisfy their plastics needs.They hold an ISO 9000 certification which is an organization that establishes and measures quality control. In order to meet or exceed the level of quality required under ISO standards, Riordan Manufacturing will need to have knowledgeable and skilled employees within their organization. To attract premier candidates for their company, the compensation plan that is designed will need to be fair, rewarding, and competitive.This paper will outline the compensation plan for Riordan Manufacturing and include an eva luation of current trends and predict future trends, internal and external equity, a wage management process and retirement plan, financial influence on the plan’s options, and discuss the methods in which the plan will be communicated to members of the organization. Key Objectives According to Martocchio (2009), â€Å"Compensation professionals promote effective compensation systems by meeting three important goals: internal consistency, market competitiveness, and recognition of individual contributions† (Martocchio, 2009, p. 9). It is essential that these objectives are met to retain employees and make them feel valued and appreciated; all while functioning within the organizational budget. As Riordan Manufacturing considers themselves to be a leader within their industry, they understand that listening to the voice of their employees and remaining flexible regarding the compensation benefits offered worth together in alignment with their company mission. As â€Å" compensation systems are changing† (Martocchio, 2009, p. 23), Riordan Manufacturing will do well o consider plans offered by their competitors so that they will remain an industry leader. Trends and Issues An evaluation of current trends and issues in the company’s total compensation shows the company meeting goals in certain areas, but needs to improve in other areas. Riordan Manufacturing wants and â€Å"will maintain an innovative and team oriented working environment. By assuring that our employees are well informed and properly supported, we will provide a climate focused on the long-term viability of our company.Our Future must be focused in achieving and maintaining reasonable profitability to assure that the financial and human capital is available for sustained growth† (University of Phoenix,  2013, p. 1). The company’s current trends such as the flexible benefits program, salary administration program, and the CRM system is used to help meet th e organizations vision and goals, and keep the employees interested and motivated. However, technology changes each day and in today’s business world it is important to keep the company’s IT system updated to meet the demands of the customers, and the day-to-day operations. Riordan has a system to track historical sales. In the past, most sales data was recorded using paper and pencil. In the last few years, the firm has managed the information electronically† (University of Phoenix,  2013, p. 1). In the future it is best the company does an update to improve the communication between the different sites, employees, monitor inventory, customer demands, and sales. The company should prepare to make some changes in its current infrastructure to sustain profitability and growth within the company. Internal and External equityInternal equity is based on the employee's values and fairness, the values, and fairness of the pay relationships within the organization. â €Å"The pay relationship within the organization has an affect on three compensation objectives. They affect the employee’s decisions to stay with the organization, to become more flexible by investing in additional training, or to seek greater responsibility† (Milkovich, 2008, p. 64). The external equity is based on how the employee sees the company's pay structure and compensation system. What the employer pays, relative to what other employers will pay for the same type of work.The Riordan Manufacturing Company works toward a fair base system, attracting, and maintaining good workers when considering internal and external equity. Implementing job analysis, employee evaluations, work structure, pay ranges, and pay grades are ways the company endorse internal equity. Marketing surveys, supplying a competitive pay system, and salary surveys are used to implement external equity. This will allow the company to manage and implement a compensation structure that will add value and continue to make the organization successful. Wage Management and RationaleRiordan Manufacturing’s salary administration program was created â€Å"to achieve consistent pay practices, comply with federal and state laws, mirror our commitment to Equal Employment Opportunity, and offer competitive salaries within our labor market† (University of Phoenix,  2004,  p. 11). Employee compensation is based on several factors including but not limited to job analysis, evaluations, the duties and responsibilities of the job, and salary survey data on pay practices of other organizations in the same labor market to ensure Riordan’s compensation plan remains competitive (University of Phoenix,  2004).Merit-based pay adjustments may be offered for excellent employee performance. Riordan manufacturing’s salary administration program is review periodically and reconstructed when necessary (University of Phoenix,  2004). A retirement plan and how partic ipation will be driven Riordan Manufacturing wants to make sure their employees participate in the company’s retirement plan. We will offer 401(k), Pension Plan and Profit Sharing plan. We feel that the futures of our employees are important.The way the Riordan will drive participation is by communicating clearing, emphasizing the benefits of plan participation, and to be creative. Communication is very important, using poorly or confusing materials do little to encourage plan participation. Some points to remember when communicating the plan information is to use examples that employees can relate to, keep communication brief and, use graphics like charts. Also making sure that we highlight key points will drive participation. Being creative is always a great way to encourage employees.An example would be to hold contest to promote participation. How will it be communicated? Want to promote retirement plan participation, so we want to make sure that the plan is communicated the best way possible. Since everyone works at different shits there will be different times that are available for the employees to sign up for. The discussion of the retirement plan will be in a classroom setting with a representative to explain the retirement plans that Riordan Manufacturing will offer.In these classes there will be handouts with information explaining the plan in detail and also a shorter version that will highlight the key points of the plan. In this setting this will promote participation because someone will be there to help with any questions that the employees may have and also help with the initial sign-up of the plans offered. Conclusion: Riordan Manufacturing’s goal is to maintain an innovative and team oriented working environment. By assuring that all employees are well informed and properly supported.Riordan Manufacturing considers themselves to be a leader within their industry, they understand that listening to the voice of their employees an d remaining flexible regarding the compensation benefits offered worth together in alignment with their company mission. The company meets goals in certain areas, but needs to improve in other areas, and the current trends of the company such as the flexible benefits program, salary administration program, and the CRM system is used to help meet the organizations vision and goals, and keep the employees interested and motivated.However; the company should prepare to make some changes in its current infrastructure to sustain profitability and growth. In Riordan Manufacturing; the Employee’s compensation is based on several factors including but not limited to job analysis, evaluations, the duties and responsibilities of the job, as well as the salary survey data on pay practices of other organizations in the same labor market, to ensure Riordan’s compensation plan remains competitive. References Martocchio, J. J. (2009).Strategic compensation: A human resource managemen t approach (5th ed. ). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education Milkovich, G. T. , & Newman, J. M. (2008). Compensation (9th ed. ). New York, NY: McGraw-Hill. University of Phoenix. (2004). Riordan Manufacturing Employee Handbook. Retrieved. from University of Phoenix, HRM324 – Total Compensation website. University of Phoenix. (2013). Week Five overview. Retrieved from University of Phoenix, HRM324 – Total Compensation website. York, NY: McGraw

Friday, August 16, 2019

Quantitative Determination of Total Hardness In Drinking Water Essay

Abstract This experiment is about the determination of water hardness through the use of complexometric EDTA titration. Determination of water hardness is important to find out the most suitable water hardness under particular circumstances. This was conducted for the purpose of applying the concept of complexometric titration using an efficient chelating agent, EDTA. Sample mineral water was analyzed using standard EDTA with EBT as indicator, and calcium ions present in the solution were calculated to determine the hardness of the water sample. At the end of the experiment, the results indicated that the mineral sample water has large amounts of calcium and magnesium ions—an implication of a hard water sample. INTRODUCTION Water hardness is a measure of the amount of calcium and magnesium present in sample water. These calcium and magnesium ions have the capacity to replace sodium or potassium ions and form sparingly soluble products or precipitates. Water hardness is involved in various aspects of industrial and biochemical processes. Large amounts of ppm CaCO3 in water can form precipitates when interacted with soap and form rings known as â€Å"scum† in several utensils and appliances. The formation of these â€Å"scum† in electrical appliances degrades its efficiency and will eventually reduce its life span. In addition, these can cause impairments on fabric as well, and damage water treatment plants and piping systems at a water hardness of 300 ppm CaCO3. Calcium is necessary for aquatic animals such as fish. It serves an  important role in bone formation, blood clotting, and metabolic processes of the fish and prevents the loss of important salts in the body which helps in the functioning of its vital organs such as the heart. Small amounts of calcium in water can be life-threatening to aquatic organisms like the fish. Thus, determination of water hardness is important. One method of determining water hardness is through complexometric titration. In this process, a ligand is involved in the said titration. Metal ion reacts with a particular ligand forming a complex and the equivalence point is determined by an indicator. The  ligand used in the experiment is Ethylenediaminetetraacetic Acid (EDTA) with Eriochrome Black T indicator. EDTA is an efficient chelating agent and has an ability to bind with metal ions. Because of this, EDTA is also used in food preservation, an anti-coagulant in blood, and, when EDTA is combined with Fe(II), can even be used as an effective absorbent of harmful NO (nitric oxide). The purpose of this experiment is to determine the hardness of water through complexometric titration. METHODOLOGY Before the actual experiment, solutions of 500 mL of 0.1000 M stock EDTA solution, 250 mL of 0.0100 M standard EDTA solution, 250 mL of 0.050 M standard CaCO3 solution, 50 mL of 0.0050 M working standard CaCO3 solution, and 250 mL of 1.0 M NH3-NH4+ buffer solution were prepared quantitatively. In this experiment, the titrant used was Ethylenediaminetetraacetic Acid (EDTA), a polydentate with six bonding sites. Polydentates aid in obtaining sharper endpoints since they react more completely with cations. Likewise, reaction with polydentates only involves a single step process compared to using monodentates as titrants which involves at least two intermediate species. Among polydentates, EDTA was chosen as the titrant since it is versatile and forms most sufficiently stable chelates because of its several complexing sites which gives rise to a cage-like structure isolating the cations from solvent molecules. For the preparation of 500 mL of 0.1000 M stock EDTA solution, 18.6 g of Na2H2EDTA2H2O was weighed to the nearest 0.1 mg and was transferred into a 400 mL beaker. 200 mL of distilled water  and 1.0 g MgCl26H2O crystals were added into the beaker and mixed until the crystals were dissolved. MgCl26H2O was added to obtain a sharper endpoint since CaIn- complex ion is less stable and endpoint will come earlier than actual. The solution was heated for faster dissolution and NaOH pellets were added to the turbid solution to produce salt EDTA making the pH of the solution higher and increasing the solubility of the EDTA. Into a 500 mL volumetric flask, the solution was transferred and was diluted to mark with distilled water. The solution was stored in a dry and clean reagent bottle. The 250 mL of 0.0100 M standard EDTA solution was prepared by getting 25 mL from 0.1000 M stock EDTA solution and diluting it to mark with distilled water in a 250 mL volumetric flask. For the preparation of 250 mL of 0.050 M standard CaCO3 solution, 1.2510 g of pure CaCO3 was weighed to the nearest 0.1mg into a 250 mL beaker and 20 mL distilled water was added. Drops of 6 M HCl were added until the CaCO3 was completely dissolved. The beaker was covered using a watch glass and was put over a hot plate. The solution was evaporated until an amount of 10 mL was left. After cooling the solution, the washings were collected by rinsing the watch glass into the beaker using distilled water. 20 mL more distilled water was added into the solution and it was transferred into a 250-mL volumetric flask. The solution was diluted to mark and was stored in a plastic polyethylene bottle since glass bottle can leach and ions from it will contaminate the solution. The 50 mL of 0.0050 M working standard CaCO3 solution was prepared by dilution of 5 mL 0.050 M standard CaCO3 into a 50-mL volumetric flask. For NH3-NH4+ buffer solution of pH 10, 2.06 g of NH4Cl was dissolved in 14.3 mL of concentrated ammonia and was diluted to mark in a 250-mL volumetric flask. Buffer solution was used since buffers are resistant to pH changes[13]. Maintaining the pH is important in preventing interference of other species during titration since different chelates form at a particular pH.[14] For the standardization of 0.01 M EDTA Solution, 10 mL each of 0.0050 M working standard CaCO3 solution was transferred into each of the three 250-mL Erlenmeyer flask using a pipette. Then, into each flask, 75 mL of distilled water was added followed by 3 mL of the NH3-NH4+ buffer solution and 2-3 drops of Eriochrome Black T (EBT) indicator. Although use of EBT indicator is unsatisfactory in calcium, it is ideal to use in magnesium titration[15], and since MgCl2 was put earlier, the number of calcium ions can be determine  using EBT indicator[16]. One at a time, the solutions were titrated with the 0.010 M standard EDTA solution. Water sample was analyzed by measuring 50 mL of commercial mineral water Viva into each of the three 250-mL Erlenmeyer flask. Then, into each flask, 75 mL of distilled water was added followed by 3 mL of the NH3 -NH4+ buffer solution and 2-3 drops of EBT indicator. One at a time, the solutions were titrated with the 0.010 M standard EDTA solution. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Complexometric titration was used in the experiment since the reaction between the aqueous solutions of the analyte (CaCO3 solution, water sample) and titrant (EDTA) forms a complex. Which involves a coordination center composed of Ca2+ and Mg2+ and the chelating agent EDTA. EDTA, a weak acid, commonly forms 1:1 stochiometric ratio when it reacts to form soluble complexes with metal ions, this means that a single endpoint would be observed. Most of the time EDTA reacts with metals regardless of their charges. These would all correlate to a sharp endpoint in titration and a smooth calculation in stoichiometry. Titration with EDTA is affected by several factors such as the existence of complex forming ions and of organic solvents that affects the stability of the complex, the metal ion components, and the pH wherein the titration was performed. The pH range for optimal indications using EBT indicator and for better results in titration using EDTA method is from 8-10. Lower pH would form a colorless complex with EDTA while a high pH makes it hard to distinguish using the metal indicator In the experiment the pH was kept constant at 10, this was possible with the presence of the buffer solution of NH3 –NH4Cl. It has a buffer capacity that satisfies the optimal pH range. Buffer solutions resist pH change that might be caused by other cations and the weak acid titrant, EDTA. Also, the indicator EBT would behave as it should be if there are no fluctuations in the pH. The specific pH was essential because at the pH of 10 EDTA would deprotonate just enough to bind with the metals involved. If too much buffer was added to the solution, the titration would yield defective endpoints. For example the pH was at 12, the solution would be too basic that it might form precipitates with magnesium and calcium which in turn would cause different results. The endpoint of the solution in the first trial was blue so we opt not to put KCN in the solution. KCN b onds with iron  so that iron would not affect the color change of the indicator. If iron is present in the sample it would affect the color endpoint and turn to violet instead of blue. Chemical equations that express the reaction in the titration can be shown in figure 1. Figure 1. Chemical equations involved in the titration. In the sample analysis of Viva mineral water, it contained 54mgCa/L and 14mgMg/L. After computing for the total hardness of the sample using ppm CaCO3 it was found out that the claimed total hardness was 192.6 ppm CaCO3 while the computed average ppm CaCO3 from the experiment was 139.5 ppm CaCO3this means that the calculated value from the experiment is less than the calculated total hardness of Viva mineral water according to the indicated value in the label but still in the range of hard according to the water hardness scale in table 1. Table 1 Water Hardness Scale The unit ppm CaCO3 was used because water is mostly composed of calcium and magnesium ions. Both of these ions can be expressed in terms of CaCO3 One possible source of error is the human error from differentiating color change of the indicator EBT. The solution might have turned violet but not observed making the titrant endpoint wrong because of the presence of iron. Other possible sources of error are excess buffer solution that will increase pH, calibration error of pH meter, wrong volume reading, and over titration. SUMMARY AND CONCLUSION The Complex solutions were formed by titration with the chelating agent EDTA. With the use of complexometric titration the total hardness of water sample was determined. It was found out that the water hardness of Viva mineral water is classified as â€Å"hard† in terms of calcium and magnesium ions content that was expressed in terms of ppm CaCO3. The claimed total hardness of Viva Company is larger than the experimental value meaning it has less metal ion content than expected. The results of the experiment can be improved with the addition of KCN. It might not be visible that the endpoint was violet  but it would be safer to eliminate iron discrepancies in the results. REFERENCES [1] Carillo, K.J.D., Ballesteros, J.I., et al. Analytical Chemistry Laboratory Manual, 2009 edition, UP Chemistry Alumni Foundation, 2009, p. 67 [2] Skoog, D.A., West, D.M., et al., Introduction to Analytical Chemistry, 8th edition, Cengage Learning Asia Pte Ltd., 2012, p. 403 [3]Hardwater, [4] Wurts, W.A., Understanding Water Hardness, [5] Skoog, D.A., West, D.M., et al., Introduction to Analytical Chemistry, 8th edition, Cengage Learning Asia Pte Ltd., 2012, p. 372 [6] Skoog, D.A., West, D.M., et al., Introduction to Analytical Chemistry, 8th edition, Cengage Learning Asia Pte Ltd., 2012, p. 386 [7] Ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid disodium salt dehydrate, [8] Liu, N. et. al., Evaluation of Nitric Oxide Removal from Simulated Flue Gas by Fe(II)EDTA/Fe(II)citrate Mixed Absorbents, [9] Skoog, D.A., West, D.M., et al., Introduction to Analytical Chemistry, 8th edition, Cengage Learning Asia Pte Ltd., 2012, p. 372 [10] Skoog, D.A., West, D.M., et al., Introduction to Analytical Chemistry, 8th edition, Cengage Learning Asia Pte Ltd., 2012, p. 384 [11] Carillo, K.J.D., Ballesteros, J.I., et al. Analytical Chemistry Laboratory Manual, 2009 edition, UP Chemistry Alumni Foundation, 2009, p. 69 [12] Ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid disodium salt dehydrate, [13] Whitten, K.[et. Al.], Chemistry.8th ed., Thomas Higher Education. USA. 2007, p. 742 [14] Skoog, D.A., West, D.M., et al., Introduction to Analytical Chemistry, 8th edition, Cengage Learning Asia Pte Ltd., 2012, p. 401 [15] Skoog, D.A., West, D.M., et al., Introduction to Analytical Chemistry, 8th edition, Cengage Learning Asia Pte Ltd., 2012, p. 399 [16] Skoog, D.A., West, D.M., et al., Introduction to Analytical Chemistry, 8th edition, Cengage Learning Asia Pte Ltd., 2012, p. 400

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Family Management Essay

1. What information in the documentary most surprised you? The thing that most surprised me was the amount of credit cards that a household. I am currently stressed out by having one credit card, I could not even imagine multiplying that stress by 8. I understand that adults with families need credit cards to help buy necessities for their families, but I think that if you are going to take on the responsibilities of owning a credit card, you should make sure you are able to pay more then just the minimum amount. That is another thing that surprised me, the fact that 35 million people only pay the minimum amount due is really shocking because people should be well aware by now how much money they are actually loosing by doing that. 2. Do you think the government should have a role in regulating both who can get credit cards and what interest and fees consumers should pay? If so, who should be the regulators? Who would benefit from such regulation? Who would lose? Explain. I don’t think the government should have a role in regulating who can get a credit card or the interest rate or fees. When people sign up for a credit card, they are well aware of the responsibility that they are taking on. Everyone knows their limit and how much interest they are charged, so if you cant afford to pay something off on time you should not buy it. I don’t think people should blame the banks if they are being charged interest on their purchases; it is their responsibility to be able to keep track of their income and their spending. Even though the bank is making money off of people who do not pay their bills on time, they are the ones lending money to people and they need to make some profit to, like every other business out there. 3. How, according to the four â€Å"normal consumers† in the documentary, does owning a credit card or credit cards affect purchasing decisions? Owning a credit card or multiple credit cards give the illusion of having more money then you actually do. The credit card makes people think that paying it later isn’t a big deal, when actually it buries people in huge sums of debt. Buying something for $500 and only making minimum payments for it can actually end up being double the price (depending on your interest rate). I was brought up thinking that credit cards are for emergencies and emergencies only, but now that I have one I find myself tempted to by things that are not even close to a necessity, and because of this piece of plastic, I also find that I convince myself not to worry and that I will pay it off later. It affects the purchasing decision by giving the illusion of money that most people don’t have, people have a hard time distinguishing the difference of their wants and their needs. Since there is an option to do a minimum payment, the majority of people are taking that route. 4. Who loses and gains the most from credit card companies’ policies? The people who gain from credit card companies are the ‘dead beats’, also known as the people who pay off their entire credit card bill at the end of the month. The reason that they are the gainers is because they are the ones who never have to pay interest, therefore the credit card companies are not making any money off of them and are basically just lending money to these people. The people that pay of their entire bill at the end of the month not only don’t have to pay interest, but they also gain benefits and good credit rates, depending on what that bank offers. The people that lose from credit cards are the people that only make the minimum payments. The downfall with only paying the minimum payments is that they are gaining interest of the balance spent, so they are constantly loosing money. They may think that they are saving money because they are not spending a lot on payments, but in the long run they are paying double the amount. 5. Has the documentary influenced how you might use credit cards in the future? Explain† (Frontline, 2008). Definitely, I’ve always thought I had a good concept on the whole credit card situation, but looking at the video has made me realize how much money I am actually loosing. I’ve always paid more then the minimum payment but still, I would much rather be one of the â€Å"dead beats†. Being in school makes that next to impossible though since I cannot work as much as I’d like to. This video makes me more conscious of the purchases that I make and it also makes me want to pay off my credit card off immediately! Being a student has put me into a lot of debt, I hope that once I have a career in place I will be able to pay off all of my debts.

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Revisioning the Scholarship Boy

Re-Visioning the Scholarship Boy In â€Å"When We Dean Awaken: Writing as Re-Vision,† Rich describes the dilemma we all face as humans in our search for identity. Are we to allow the forces of the past to define us, or are we to transcend these forces creating a new identity? For Rich her struggle with a male dominated society causes her to redefine herself through writing. As the title of her piece suggests, Rich uses â€Å"writing as Re-vision,† a way to rewrite the past, effectively breaking free of tradition.In â€Å"The Achievement Of Desire,† Rodriguez is faced with a similar crisis of identity, when faced with Hoggart’s concept of the â€Å"scholarship boy†. While this concept seems to represent the hold of authority over Rodriguez, he instead uses it in his search for identity, breaking the hold of authority over him. Rich writes, â€Å"until we understand the assumptions in which we are drenched we cannot know ourselves†¦. †(Ric h 18). In much the same way Rodriguez must understand the assumptions imposed by the concept of the â€Å"scholarship boy† in his quest for self-identity.When examining Rodriguez’s struggle the following questions arise: Has Rodriguez broken free of the academic authorities in his life, which attempt to rigidly define his identity? Is he a â€Å"scholarship boy,† or something more? When contemplating these questions, we come to a surprising result; Rodriguez had used his quest for identity as a catalyst, allowing him to solidify his own philosophy of education. Throughout the achievement of desire Rodriguez uses the concept of the scholarship boy to express his philosophy of education.While at first we see the scholarship boy as a mere caricature, eventually it begins to increase in depth, until finally we realize that Rodriguez is in fact talking about himself. Rodriguez writes: â€Å"In large part, however, the reason he is such a bad student is because he re alizes more often and more acutely than most other students – than Hoggart himself – that education requires radical self-reformation. †(529) In this passage we begin to see pieces of Rodriguez’s philosophy of education. For Rodriguez, a successful education exists as a force of inevitable change.This change often pulls one away from their native culture, integrating them with society. Rodriguez states, â€Å" Radical educationalists meanwhile complain that ghetto schools oppress students by trying to mold them†¦the truer critique would be just the reverse: not that schools change ghetto students too much†¦they change most students barely at all. †(529) For Rodriguez a proper education inevitably â€Å"molds† the student. The emphasis in the American educational system on â€Å"creativity and originality† ultimately hinders the success of the student.Rodriguez furthers his philosophy on education with his views on imitation. For Rodriguez imitation i â€Å"From the story of the scholarship boy there is no specific pedagogy to glean†¦ he makes clear that education is a long unglarorous even demeaning process†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. Great quote to set up another paragraph For rodriguez, education need not be a pleasurable process. While thescholorship boy seems a negative story in reality it is a necessary one in terms of education. For the student of immigrant parents to become educated he must be ripped from his native cultureRodriguez reveals; â€Å"A primary reason for my success in the classroom was that I couldn’t forget that schooling was changing me and separating me from the life I enjoyed before becoming a student. †(516) During the beginning of his life, Rodriguez lives as the â€Å"scholarship boy†. Rodriguez writes, â€Å"I lacked a point of view when I read. Rather I read in order to acquire a point of view. †(527). Furthermore Rodriguez writes â€Å"I knew too much (and not enough) to be able to write anything but sentences that were overly cautious, timid, strained brittle under the heavy weight of footnotes and qualifications.I seemed unable to dare a passionate statement†(531). After these realizations Rodriguez searches for an answer to his shortcomings in academic literature coming face to face with Hoggart’s concept of the â€Å"scholarship boy†. For the first time Rodriguez begins to question himself, framing these inquiries through the concept of the â€Å"scholarship boy† Through questioning himself Rodriguez finally comes to terms with himself allowing a synthesis to occur, applying his skills of abstraction to his problem of identity.Rodriguez writes â€Å"And yet, positively: the ability to consider experience so abstractly allowed me to shape into desire what would otherwise have remained indefinite. †. Rodriguez takes this synthesis further concluding â€Å"If, because of my schooling, I had gr own culturally separated from my parents, my education finally had given me ways of speaking and caring about this fact†(532). Rodriguez goes further to illustrate his transformation, by contrasting his thoughts as a â€Å"scholarship boy† with his thoughts in the present.Rodriguez writes â€Å" Faithfully, I wrote down all that they said. I memorized it: â€Å"The praise of the unlettered by the highly educated is the primary theme of ‘elitist’ literature† But, â€Å"the importance of the praise given the unsolitary, richly passionate and spontaneous life is that it simultaneously reflects the value of a reflective life. †(532). To Rodriguez this quote falls perfectly in line with his own conclusions from his experience, the wisdom of learning to balance the two opposing forces in his life. Yet as a scholarship boy these words mean nothing to him.Rodriguez writes, â€Å"But there was no way for any of it to mean very much to me. I was a sch olarship boy at the time, busily laddering my way up the rungs of education. †(532). Throughout â€Å"Achievement of Desire†, Rodriguez maps his transformation from a â€Å"scholarship boy†, to someone with his own authority. It is possible to see a similar transformation occur for Rich when we examine â€Å"When We Dead Awaken: Writing as Re-Vision†. For Rich the final step of this transformation is through her act of writing about her struggle.Rich writes, â€Å"Moreover if the imagination is to transcend and transform experience it has to question, to challenge, to conceive of alternatives, perhaps to the very life you are living at the moment. †¦. For writing is re-naming. † (Rich 23). It would seem that a final piece of evidence for Rodriguez’s transformation is â€Å"Achievement of Desire† itself. Rodriguez’s ability to write about his struggle allows him to use the transformative power of the imagination, effectively using writing as Re-Vision.

Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Learning Experience Plan Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Learning Experience Plan - Essay Example In my case, I needed an experience from operating in a nursing home. From the course I have the goal to achieve as much information and expertise as possible and create in myself a good nurse instructor. This learning experience will provide me the opportunity to apply my scholarly experience in a professional environment. My mentor gave me an overall goal of knowing how to relate to both my students and patients. Apart from this learning experience I have a future goal of operating in a renowned nursing educating institution. This goal will be given more professional support by the expertise I will gain from the learning experience. I will also aim to acquire the required skills and create a generation of skilled nurses from my class. At the end of 16 to 24 hours learning experience I will be able to acquire efficient tutoring schools from my instructor. As a nursing educator student I will be required to learn more than just acquiring medical information. I will be needed to acquir e tactics and skills to deliver lectures to student. At the end of the 16 to 24 hours learning experience I will be able to know more about the learning objectives in question. In my case, I chose ventilation pneumonia and congestive heart failure. I will be able to have the required medication and nursing tips when it comes to deal with patients diagnosed with the illnesses. An interview with my instructor pointed out my expectation from scholarships and teaching. From the scholarship expectations, I will be required to have acquired skills to enhance my career as nursing educator. To ensure I have attained these skills, I will be given a couple to tutoring classes to test my expertise and skills. Scholarships required a mandatory adherence to the 16 to 24 hours learning schedule which must be translated in writing. For the teaching and service expectations, the instructor pointed out that I had to provide educational roles to other learners in the facility. This will not only enha nce the learning skills in the nursing home but will also sharpen my skills as an educator. My instructor also had to relate the works of their nursing staff to our learning experience. Objectives for core measures protocol for congestive heart failure In this learning experience, I had to get the information to pass to my students on how to tackle this disease. Congestive heart failure is a chronic disease characterized by lapses in the normal heartbeat of humans (Ellen, Cecile & Martin, 2009). Older people have a high probability of contacting the disease. The weight of the patients also matter when it comes to detecting the symptoms. According to Nursing Skills (2012) keeping track of heartbeats of patients with the risk of having congestive heart failure help in the life saving life process since it keeps medics ready for any attack. For this learning outcome the objectives were based on the ability to suppress the effects of the disease and how to cater for patients with the di sease. For the medication, I had to learn how to interpret the ace inhibitors, diet, echo, diuretics and the beta blockers. The interpretation of these results is the main objectives and expectations for a nurse educator (Leslie, 2011). Objectives for evidence based practices for ventilator acquired pneumonia Ventilation acquired pneumonia is a respiratory disease associated with effects on the lungs. The disease causes effect on ones breathing